Rawkin Radio

Revvell Interviews Raw Food Pioneer Dr. Fred Bisci



I’ve been trying to get Fred to join me here on Rawkin’ Radio for quite some time. When I began, I was told he wasn’t doing interviews. Lucky for us, he’s back in the limelight. He also has a new book and dvd out. About Dr. Fred Bisci: Dr. Fred Bisci has a Ph.D. in Nutritional Science. Fred, as he prefers to be called, has had a pioneering and active practice in New York City for over forty years. He has worked with over 35,000 people all over the world with numerous health issues by helping them change their eating and drinking lifestyles through his Real, Fresh Food approach. His outlook is unique. He looks at biochemical interrelationships, rather than a simple dietary or nutritional standpoint. This biochemical appreciation of how the multiple variables work in the human body are directly related to a lifestyle of what is left out and what is put in. Fred has developed the INTERMEDIATE LEVEL MENU which is the core feature for creating a Healthy Lifestyle Program. His program helps you name your current