Rawkin Radio

Revvell Interviews Raw Mom and Author, Kate “Magic” Wood



Since she is a mom, I asked some of the following questions: How did you get started with Raw? Were you raw when you had your children? How were the births? You say “predominantly” Raw ~ what does that mean? Let’s talk about cacao ~ Why do some people have issues with cacao? I know you sell superfoods yet, What do you think of the divisiveness between those who tend to eat simply ~ just raw and those who are promoting super foods almost to the exclusivity of fresh picked? How do you feel about the trend many formerly raw vegans are pursuing with eating raw animal products? Kate is one of the leading raw food promoters in the UK She has sixteen years experience in raw eating and is raising a family of three boys on a predominantly raw diet. She is former editor of Get Fresh! the world’s most popular raw food magazine, and author of the bestseller Eat Smart Eat Raw. She also runs Raw Living, one of Europe’s leading suppliers of raw food, super foods and kitchen equipment. Kate’s Site Please support Rawkin’ Radi