The Wade Alters Show

How To Make $750K per Year with Less Than 1000 YouTube Views w/ Aleks Vitkan



Ever thought about starting your own online business? Because this week, I dialled back the clock and re-connected with my old friend, Aleks Vitkan. He’s an entrepreneur who was able to do the thing that most people dream about: quit the corporate rat race, start an online business and travel the world! No more listening to horrible bosses, excruciating commutes with traffic, and having to sit in an office for 8 hours a day! Wooooh! But… I don’t think you’ve REALLY considered how different the lifestyle is… Simple things like eating healthy and going to the gym often goes out the window, because you’re tropical paradise usually doesn’t accommodate those needs (especially if you’re travelling to a poor country - good luck finding a Whole Foods!) You can lose a lot of momentum because of travelling. So anyways, Alek’s began sharing the best ways to not lose any productivity during his travelling, and they resonated with other digital entrepreneurs… a LOT! He created content about it and shared them on YouTube &