The Wade Alters Show

From 6 to 7 Figures With This 1 Skill with Tripp Kramer



I’m sure you know how messy trying to grow a business is. And how easy it is to get lost in the chaos of trying to put everything together. Should you call some prospects? … Write another blog? … Figure out SEO? Which is why this week, I brought on one of my most trusted friends, Tripp Kramer. He’s a 7-figure entrepreneur, a YouTube influencer, and has over 650K subscribers. He works less than 10 hours a week, travels around the world shooting amazing content for his YouTube audience, and yeah - makes 7 figures doing what he loves. If you’re an entrepreneur (or aspiring to be one), this interview will give you some insight into knowing how to grow your business and make money QUICKLY. It’s the secret that got him from 6 to 7 figures in under a year, and one that he wishes he realized a lot sooner.