

Speaker or Performer: Andy Boswell Date of Delivery: September 2, 2018 Hungering RighteousnessMost in the Church believe that righteousness is godliness, and unrighteousness is sin.Definition ofrighteous1:acting in accord withdivineormorallaw:free from guilt or sin2a:morally right or justifiablearighteousdecisionb:arising from an outraged sense of justice ormoralityrighteousindignation.Righteousness- base def.- right order2 PathsHeavens righteousness- heaven’s right order (What it looks like in heaven)Self-Rightousness. There is a way that seems right to man but it ends in destruction.This is why Jesus included “on earth as it is in heaven” in His prayer instruction2015- “I was lead into the wilderness but the Spirit”(God pulled back the grace covering) I found myself fussing at God. -I was Desperate -“Seek first the Kingdom and its righteousness”-Those that Hunger and thirst for Righteousness will be filled.William Tyndale(Bible t