Challenge Your Thinking With Dr. Linda Tucker

Behind Every Man: Barbara Jenkins



Barbara Jenkins is a bestselling co-author and traveler who received the attention of National Geographic Magazine with a cross country trek she took with her ex husband back in the 70's.  Don't be fooled.  This woman is as vibrant today as she was back then.  Barbara is a natural born storyteller who is all about the power of saying "yes" and she joins us today with wisdom to spare.  When adventure came knocking, Barbara Jenkins answered. And it wasn’t just any adventure--but one that would take her on a walk across America and change the trajectory of her life forever.  Some of you may be familiar with the New York Times best-sellers Walk Across America and The Walk West, written by Barbara and her then-husband, Peter Jenkins. In today’s interview, we get a glimpse behind the curtain into the story behind the stories, and the wisdom that Barbara has gathered along the way. Barbara has faced numerous challenges throughout her life: being hit by a car, walking pregnant across a mountain range in a blizzard, a