Challenge Your Thinking With Dr. Linda Tucker

Apricot Lane Farms Filmmaker: John Chester



John Chester is an Emmy Award Winning and favorite Oprah Winfrey Filmmaker who left Hollywood to pursue a dream.  He and his wife Molly have found that growing food, caring for animals and tending the soil can teach us much about life and what it takes to move forward. If we are willing to put in the work, the hard work in...the fruits of our labor will eventually produce results. John initially stepped out from behind the lens in 2011 when he and his family left the glitz and glamour of Hollywood to risk starting an organic and biodynamic farm north of LA.  They call their land Apricot Lane Farms, and if you recognize the name, it’s because John never did completely drop that camera of his...he is one of Oprah’s Super Soul Sunday’s chosen filmmakers and you will see why.  John has found and lives the lessons that abound at Apricot Lane and he is here to share some of them with us today...because farmers or not, we’re all growing something in our lives and hopefully all of our crops will come in.