Married Millennials

Illusion Of Choice



Justin and Joy continue to declutter all areas of their life and share how letting go has brought a renewed sense of purpose and clarity. Elevator Pitch Our August purge continues – this week: wardrobe. Making way for abundance by letting go of the past. Justin’s decision to stop wearing watches. How our travel fund is helping Justin’s childhood dream come true. Our experience at Noir Unicorn’s panel discussion on monogamy, polyamory, and mental health. The illusion of decision making. Married Millennials is officially on Spotify! Justin’s newfound appreciation for story and entertaining the idea of writing our own script. And much more! Spread the Word If you enjoyed the episode, please leave us a review on iTunes and share it with your friends! Connect with us on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook to share your thoughts about the show. Weekly Wellness Newsletter Every week we email a wellness newsletter with challenges to guide you on your wellness journey, strengthen your finances, and