

Speaker or Performer: Bob Petersen & LFMC Family Date of Delivery: July 1, 2018 Power SourceThere are many ways to produce powerDifferent ways things are powered:Various Fossil Fuels including: petroleum, coal natural gasSolar powerHydro powered (Picture)Nuclear PowerWind Turbine (Picture)Battery or capacitor (Picture)What is the best way to tell if something is not plugged in to a power sourceOr what happens when the battery is run down?Things won’t runWe use the term with a battery, “The battery is dead”Some can’t go anytime without needing rechargedSome can go for quite awhile because they’ve learned to recharge on their ownAll through the bible God gave ceremonies and events in the attempt to keep the knowledge of Him and what He’s done refreshed in His people’s hearts and minds.Most of the time His people turned them into religious ceremonial ritualsThey forgot the meaning behind each oneTheir vision was not refreshed an