Wide Awakened Healing Podcast

Unlock Your Calling



I hear this question all the time from my clients, “Why am I here?” or “What’s my purpose?” This is a great question, but often people confuse their calling with a job or business or some action in the world. Then they do the action or job to try and feel fulfilled. It’s working from the outside in, and it doesn't work. Instead, what if you worked from the inside out? What if you started with your calling, and trusted that when you come from this place, no matter what you’re “doing,” you will be fulfilled? Your calling: the unique essence of who you are, not what you do. Your calling is your home beacon, your True North, your alignment with Source. What has called you forth to incarnate as a human in this lifetime? What did your soul choose to call forth from itself as God? Your calling lives in the space of the Infinite, of all that is possible, of your Higher Self, of your direct connection to Source. You are here to BE who you are.  You are Source. You are God. You are All That Is. Can you imagine living