Will Chou

17 Success Tips from Billionaire Oprah Winfrey on Principles, Mindset, & Career



Oprah Winfrey is one of my favorite billionaires because she’s unique. Unlike the others, she overcame two discriminating obstacles (being black and female) to become a billionaire in an industry where billionaires are rare: entertainment. On top of that, she had a tough early life of sexual and physical abuse, and she miscarried a child as a teenager. If that’s not enough, she was born in mediocre situations. She was conceived after a single sexual encounter under a tree. Her dad left her mom immediately after. It just goes to show you that anyone has the potential to become someone amazing. And she did it, while staying happy and kind (something you can’t say for many rich people). After spending a lot of time studying her (reading her book What I Know For Sure,