S.s. Librarianship

Episode Sixty-Six - "It's this great love story - between a girl and her rocket ship."



This week, with very special guests Matthew Murray, Anna Ferri, and Meghan Whyte...Mind Grapes: Our guests this week are founders of The Book Club for Masochists, which every month is dealt a random genre for the members to try to read. This month, they have psychological thrillers, which is, apparently, a challenge. Meghan, however, has enjoyed the thriller Dare Me by Megan Abbot. She's also been enjoying the different takes on feminism in Roxanne Gay's Bad Feminist. Anna's been trying to get into the thrillers, but has only been able to finish Annihilation by Jeff Vandermeer, which she thinks might have been cheating. She's also loved The Library at Mount Char lately, but suggests going into the book blind to get the best reading experience. Matthew is slightly dissappointed by our first female Thor in Thor: Goddess of Thunder, but is even more dissappointed by Fearless Defenders: Volume One. Starting to play Mass Effect 3 seems to be making up for it, though. Alli and Sam gush over the McElroy brother's re