New Thinking New Power With Dr. Paula

Episode 18 - No More Excuses



Episode 18 "No More Excuses" is the 1st part of the SPRING FORTH - DO SOMETHING NEW series. In this episode, I discuss 3 reasons why we use excuses to keep us from trying something new. Reason #1-  We haven’t made what we REALLY want, a priority.   If you want to see a shift in your life from being stuck to experiencing authentic happiness and fulfilling success?  You have to get to a place of doing something new.  But don’t just SAY you’re going to do something make it a PRIORITY in your life.  The things in your life that you make a priority are the things that you do not make excuses for it.  Reason #2 -  Ee fear failure and it’s difficult to accept responsibility when we fail.   I honestly believe that our culture doesn’t really teach us to be comfortable with failing. In fact, many of us fear failure! Failing is part of the process of trying new things.  However, when we DO fail, we tend to blame other people and/or elements as the reasons behind our failures. Reason #3 -  We lack the discipline to stick