Davy Sims's Podcast

Stuart Bailie - Trouble Songs



Music journalist Stuart Bailie’s new book Trouble Songs will be officially published in May, but it’s already starting to stir conversations and commentary. He takes on difficult stories from our history since the mid-1960s at the place where music meets social and political change and through interviews and analysis tries to understand and explain what happened. It will be in the shops around now, but you can also order it on the web at TroubleSongs.com The book launch will be at Oh Yeah on May 11. Stuart started at a musician in a punk band, but quickly replaced his bass with a type writer. A smart move as he went on to build a considerable reputation as a leading and influential music journalist We met in the Oh Yeah Centre which Stuart set up and ran for almost 10 years. Charlotte Dryden – who features in another episode of the podcast – took over from Stuart when he left. Oh Yeah is in a corner of probably the most creative parts of Belfast – Cathedral Quarter, on a cobbled street in an old warehouse