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Atlantic County Taxpayers, Trenton, Biz Chamber & Mayors Angry at Guardian



Atlantic City Mayor Don Guardian says Atlantic County non-casino taxpayers should be OK with a smaller share of the hated, casino-friendly PILOT  bill. The good Mayor likely got un-friended and lost many Facebook followers after that statement got out. LISTEN to Atlantic County Exec Denny Levinson. He responds on the Don Williams Radio Show. WOND 1400am. In 2015, the Mayor signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with Atlantic County Exec Denny Levinson for 13.5%. (SEE DOCUMENT BELOW) As AC's financial outlook sunk ever further, Guardian had a change of heart about that 13.5%. The Atlantic City Mayor now wants to offer the county just 9.92 % – that's $4 million less per year for the county taxpayers. That's more than $40 million less... over life of the PILOT’s 10-year term. All of this could be a moot point. The signed document (MOU below) needed OK from City Council. That never happened. Many were miffed that Guardian went rogue and did a deal with Levinson. County Exec L