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Chiesa Talks Public Safety Contracts in Atlantic City on Hurley Radio Show



'We cut salary and boat checks', said Jeffrey Chiesa, the man currently in charge of Atlantic City. Reformed Police and Fire contracts were the hot topic, so Chiesa called into the big radio show in town. The former State Senator, Attorney General and current 'CEO' of the financially ailing city, Chiesa was a guest on the Harry Hurley WPG Radio show, on Friday morning, March 17. Click to listen. What we all learned from that interview: in order to financially right size the city, the state wants to cut PD salaries, increase hours and eliminate some benefits. This would save the city about $20 million. Fire department cutbacks would save the city $14 million. Harry Hurley provided recap / analysis from a March 13 memorandum he was first to acquire, that became effective March 15. State wants to change Atlantic City police & fire contracts: Reduction in salary, across the board Reduction in force. From 274 to 250 officers Increase health benefit contributions & prescription co-pays Changes t