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Biased Media, Fake News. WOND Radio Debate Between Senator Bell & Assemblyman Brown



Listen to the ACprimetime podcast. Back on OCT. 16, 2017, there was a debate between NJ State Senator Colin Bell and Assemblyman Chris Brown. It was held on WOND Radio, a small AM station in the Atlantic City area. Coincidentally… a struggling radio station that’s up for sale. Both candidates want your vote to be a NJ State Senator for the next 4 years. Here are some clips from the recent radio debate between Senator Bell & Assemblyman Brown. Fair warning: I'm not playing and commenting on these clips to sway your vote. Rather…. I hope you’ll see that FAKE NEWS and BIASED NEWS is a real problem. Not just at the national level…… but especially here at the local level. Biased media is a real problem, especially when the local news radio station….is partnered with the local newspaper. The Atlantic City news radio station is up for sale. The local newspaper is bleeding readers and advertisers. Kinda creepy…..a little too comfortable relationship between the moderator…and Assemblyman B