Wide Awakened Healing Podcast

The Call



You’re ready to answer your call, The Call. You know, the one you incarnated into a human for. Now is your time, and I believe in you! I just returned from a powerful, beautiful, intense week. I was on Maui for the retreat, Bliss Over Matter, with Bentinho Massaro. In the past week, I have been burned to ash even more, leaving more of that which I truly am (and you truly are), Source, God, Infinity. Shredding all the subtle threads that are left of being a person with preferences, opinions, needs, and wants. It's beautiful, it's uncomfortable, it's inevitable. It's required to serve humanity at the level I'm here to serve. I have a renewed sense of service, of loving you so fiercely in every interaction that it may not even look like love. I am more interested in serving your Highest Good than your opinions. I am more interested in doing the work I came here to do than making sure you like me. You came here to serve humanity too, but first, you must lead yourself home. You must burn to ash all that is not