Ibn 'arabi Society

You Are My Mirror



Cecilia Twinch read Modern and Medieval Languages at Cambridge University. She has studied Ibn 'Arabi's work for many years and is actively involved with the Muhyiddin Ibn 'Arabi Society based in Oxford, being Reviews Editor of the Journal. She has also studied at the Beshara School in Scotland. Besides working as a teacher, translator and editor, she has written numerous articles and has lectured on Ibn 'Arabi in Europe, America, North Africa, Asia and the Middle East. Publications include "Muhyiddin Ibn 'Arabi and the Interior Wisdom" in Los Dos Horizontes (The Two Horizons), "Julian of Norwich: 'All shall be well'" in Mujeres de Luz (Women of Light) and an English translation, with Pablo Beneito, of one of Ibn 'Arabi's earliest works, "Contemplation of the Holy Mysteries" (Mashahid al-asrar).