Nonprofit Jenni Show

S1E4: Dealing with Negative Stereotypes



In this episode, I chat with nonprofit professionals who have to answer tough questions on a daily basis. How do you convince people to support your organization when your client population is surrounded by long-held negative stereotypes? My guests this episode include: —Nahed Zehr from the Faith and Culture Center —Rachael Wilkins from Safe Haven Family Shelter —Allison Plattsmier from NeedLink PRIZE PACKAGE: To celebrate the first season of the Nonprofit Jenni Show, my sponsors are giving away thousands of dollars worth of prizes to one lucky nonprofit organization! Download this episode or visit to find out how to win six high-value services for your favorite nonprofit organization. Music by Emily Summers. Opinions expressed in the Nonprofit Jenni Show are very general in nature. Please contact Jenni with specific questions you have regarding your nonprofit. © 2018 Nonprofit Jenni. All Rights Reserved.