Pb And Gainz Podcast

PB and Gainz, Ep. 11 Steph Gaudreau of Stupid Easy Paleo



Welcome to episode 11! Today we are lucky enough to have on Steph from Stupid Easy Paleo. Steph was great and made her answers and information so....stupid easy to understand and apply! (Sorry, had to do it)She has been one of the motivations behind us getting our rears in gear to start putting out helpful information to you guys. We spoke about:-Her adventures in beekeeping-Cooking failures-Using the crockpot-Her (husband's) philosophy on health as a diamondWe would love it if you leave a review and rating on iTunes so we are able to improve the podcast and get it out to more people. We are on iTunes, Stitcher, Tunein Radio, and Spreaker!Check her out at www.stupideasypaleo.comFind her @stupideasypaleoCheck us out at Avenufit.comFind us at @PbandGainz