Gmi - Guitar And Music Institute Guitar Podcasts

Episode 24 – Interview With Gianluca La Boria of GLB Sound - GMI - Guitar And Music Institute Guitar Podcasts



GLB Sound - Creators Of Jazz Guitar Amplification If you are interested in guitar amplifiers or amplification in general then you are in for a treat! Italian guitar amp builder Gianluca La Boria gives an in depth interview about his company, the amplifiers he builds and exactly how he goes about creating his sumptuous amplifiers. Are you tired of just getting the cheapest mass produced amplification on the market? If not then you are missing out. Hopefully this interview with an artist of amplification will change your mind. Podcast Ep 24 – Table Of Contents 3.10 Guinluca's background before setting up the business. 4.55 Italian design - a cultural heritage. 8.27 Discussing the role of the amplifier in the sound creation process. 12.04 The importance of tonewoods. 21.29 Needing to find the correct wood with the right harmonic response. 34.57 Thinking about the weight of amplification. 39.40 The reality of running a small business. 52.17 Paint and why it matters. Other GLB Sound Content Check out this pr