Afterlife Tv With Bob Olson

The Most Compelling Evidence Of Life After Death



"In my 12-plus years as an Afterlife Investigator, there are particular subjects and experiences that offer the most compelling (convincing) evidence of life after death. I reveal what this evidence is and how you can either experience it yourself or learn more about it. Check it out." ~ Bob Olson, Afterlife TV I mentioned two articles in this video. The first is about my spirit drawing with spirit artist Rita Berkowitz. You can view the drawings Rita did for me and the photographs of the deceased people on this page: The second article is about my past-life regression with Nancy Canning. You can read about my experience, which includes much of the transcript of that session: I also recommend in this video getting a private reading with a psychic medium, and my two resources for locating legitimate psychic mediums are: and You might also want to visit  Afterlife TV's N