Afterlife Tv With Bob Olson

A Fascinating Near Death Experience During A Coma & A Powerful Message That Could Change Your Life



ANITA MOORJANI: "You won't want to miss this life-changing conversation with Anita Moorjani. First, this is the closest I'll ever get to interviewing an actual spirit, because Anita is able to share with us what it was like to be out of her body and in that other realm, including her ability to see the past and future, experience timelessness, know her life's purpose, feel the emotions of others, and even know what caused her life-threatening illness in the first place. "Second, Anita Moorjani's story will blow your mind and get you pondering what she teaches for weeks after watching this conversation. In a nutshell, Anita fell into a coma due to late-stage cancer. Her husband was told by doctors that she had less than 36 hours to live (her organs were shutting down). All the while, Anita was having a near death experience, was given the choice to return to her body or not, chose to finish out her life, then had the most remarkable healing ever documented. Today, Anita Moorjani shares her experience and her i