Afterlife Tv With Bob Olson

Afterlife Love Story: Choosing Light Where Darkness Looms



SCARLETT LEWIS: "I’m so very excited about this Afterlife TV episode with Scarlett Lewis, because there’s so many jewels to take away from it. Scarlett lost her six-year-old son, Jesse, in the Sandy Hook Elementary School Shooting in Newtown, CT. In spite of this horrifying tragedy, Scarlett’s story is filled with powerful after-death communications (ADCs) and signs of precognitive knowing (when someone subconsciously knows about their impending death). "What’s even more amazing is that Scarlett Lewis learned how to choose thoughts of love instead of anger, hatred or fear, which she shares with us to use in our own lives. And only a short time after the shooting, Scarlett was able to forgive her son’s killer, and her example teaches us how to shed the burden of anger and hatred in order to find joy again following any tragedy. While the foundation of this story is sad, this Afterlife TV episode is both comforting and inspiring thanks to what Scarlett and Jesse Lewis have to teach us. You really don’t want to