Wide Awakened Healing Podcast

Shed and Shred…Your BS Stories That Is!



No matter your "story," whether it's "I am human," "I am tired," "I need vitamin C to increase my immunity," "I don't get along with my sister," "My life is harder than other people's," "I need to eat xyz to have energy," they are all equally...stories. Some of them serve you, awesome! Most of them don't. Even the ones you think are "good for you," like " I have to get 30 minutes of exercise a day," can contract your energy and therefore create the opposite of freedom in your life. It may be great for you to exercise, but creating the story that you "have to" or else...is based in fear and not remembering that you are Infinite. Your body responds to exercise because collectively we have agreed that it does. The collective consciousness is strong, so I'm not suggesting you stop exercising and eating well and taking your C, but to believe is it the only Truth is short-sighted and limiting to you. Nothing is "true" until you say it is. Nothing. What a great time, this arbitrary ritual of the "New Year," to res