Hilton Head Islandcast

Top Five Winter Edition



It's the season of joy, hope, and generosity. So in the spirit of Christmas, we have a present for you, our Islandcast listeners... our very first minisode! Ok, so we know that you're thinking that "minisode" is not a word. And you would be right. But it's just the way we do things around here... just like wearing flip-flops to Christmas Eve service. In our first ever minisode of the Hilton Head Islandcast, Mandy and Chris share their Top 5 things to do during the winter here on Hilton Head. We touch on golf, Christmas lights, the beach, and food of course! Plus, we give you a few hints that only the locals know about. So, grab some eggnog, give it a listen, comment below, send Mandy an email (mandy@hiltonheadislandcast.com), and don't forget to subscribe!