Alternative Discussion West With Ryan Banks

Alternative Discussion West Podcast Ep. 13 with Ron Cruz



On episode number 13 of Alternative Discussion West host Ryan Banks welcomes Ron Cruz to share his story. Ron's roots run deep with 25 years of playing bass in the bay area. Joining the band Kilrush in 1994, Ron lands smack in the middle of the thriving underground rock scene focused around legendary venue Berkeley Square. When Kilrsuh comes to an end in 1999, Ron and pal Kenny Moore continue on in band DSRX. In 2001 Happy Ending is formed, and with an early name change to Omissa, the band catches fire in the local scene. After releasing 2 e.p.s and a full length on Teki Pyro Records, Omissa disbands in 2006. Connecting the dots from bands Calling Doctor Howard, Sons of Oswald and Winchester Revival, leaves us at Ron's current project Early Monarchs. With an Omissa reunion show booked in late 2017, Ron shares his plans for the future. Music in this show brought to you by Omissa and Winchester Revival.