Ac Primetime W/ Mel Taylor. Atlantic City News, Info, Events.

Will Miss America Re-Sign with Atlantic City?



Miss America 2016 Will the Miss America organization re-sign with Atlantic City? She already inked a new 3 year deal with the ABC-TV network, based on the one million extra viewers this past year. Yeah. The ratings were that good. Now it's time to lock up another 3 years in keeping this historic event here at Boardwalk Hall. Will the CRDA cough up $3 million? We hope so. We also hope Miss A will use a casino showroom for the preliminary events. No need to burn through so much cash using historic Boardwalk Hall for the sparsely attended, but highly entertaining, pre-lims. During a recent ASK THE MAYOR show, Harry Hurley of WPG Talk Radio 1450 chatted up Atlantic City Mayor Don Guardian. The topic of Miss America came up. Click & listen to a few clips.