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Cindy Sheehan: "We'll Come Back Stronger"



Days after leaving the anti-war movement Cindy Sheehan says she'll "come back stronger." Sheehan tells NOW that she plans to rest up, spend time with her family, and then continue her struggle against the Iraqi war. "We're going to pull back and regroup and figure out a better way to come at this," Sheehan told NOW on the News in a web-exclusive audio interview. Sheehan -- whose son, Army Spc. Casey Sheehan, died in Iraq in 2004 -- announced on Memorial Day that she was done being the public face of the movement. "I think my mission, my activism has reached a brick wall," she told NOW's David Brancaccio. Sheehan gained national attention when she camped outside President Bush's Texas ranch in August 2005 demanding to talk with the President.