Rilke Panther Podcast

Episode 3: A Mutiny of Sweetness



Episode 3:  A Mutiny of Sweetness This podcast was inspired by #OccupyWallStreet and all of the Occupy protests around the country / world. As I was making it, I felt most attached to the pieces that expressed a sense of togetherness and humanity. To me, that is what it all boils down to, conceptually. The first 5 pieces are from NYC artists. I also tried to artfully take a few pieces out of, what might be considered, their traditional context. I’ll let you decide if it works or not! Thanks for listening. Please subscribe. Download Podcast var erp = new Array; erp[0] = 1014195058; erp[1] = 1768977440; erp[2] = 1954115685; erp[3] = 1025668197; erp[4] = 2020880234; erp[5] = 1635148147; erp[6] = 1668442480; erp[7] = 1948401165; erp[8] = 170864444; erp[9] = 559629124; erp[10] = 1096040795; erp[11] = 218768424; erp[12] = 1685021557; erp[13] = 1835363956; erp[14] = 690909797; erp[15] = 1633974568; erp[16] = 1718972003; erp[17] = 1953066862; erp[18] = 673807117; erp[19] = 168626720; erp[20] = 538976366