Vintage Memories

The Buccaneer



The Lux Radio Theatre. November 13, 1938. CBS net. "The Buccaneer". Sponsored by: Lux. The story of Jean Lafitte, the buccaneer who came to the aid of Andrew Jackson at the Battle of New Orleans.  Jack Carr (doubles), Libby Taylor, Lois Collier (triples), Geraldine Peck, Cracker Henderson, Ross Forrester, Lee Millar (as a dog), Tony Paton (doubles), Edmond Elton, Eddie Waller (doubles), Montague Shaw (doubles), Reginald Sheffield (doubles), Harry Humphrey, Akim Tamiroff, Charlie Forsyth (sound effects), Clara Blandick, Frank Nelson (doubles, program opening announcer), Gertrude Michael, Lou Merrill, Jane Morgan (commercial spokesman), Marilyn Stuart (commercial spokesman), Betty Jean Hainey (commercial spokesman), John Fee (performer, commercial spokesman), Perry Ivins, Earl Gunn (quadruples), Vic DeMourell (triples), Jeanie Macpherson (adaptor), Cecil B. DeMille, Frank Woodruff (director), George Wells (adaptor), Clark Gable, Edwin Mayer (screenwriter), Louis Silvers (music director), Harold Lamb (screenwrit