Self Employed Parent Podcast With Joel Bower

036: Interview with Norman Smith: Entrepreneur, parent, and mentor to over 250 startup businesses.



In episode 37, Norman Smith joins us to talk about entrepreneurship and parenting, specifically the biggest challenges and what it takes to succeed. About Norman Norman has 30 years of experience in executive management, specializing in startups, cutting edge innovations, and international business development. He’s founded nine successful startups and assists young startups get going. He’s also has a ton of kids! What it takes to succeed. A willingness to consider and take risks, passion and love for what you’re doing, recognition that you don’t know what you don’t know, and surrounding yourself in experts. Proud parent Norman’s biggest win as a parent watching his children have clarity on what they want and where they’re going and thrive as contributing members of society doing what they love. What Inspires Norman. The remarkable, creative nature of human beings is Norman’s biggest inspiration. If there are 6 billion people on the planet, there are 6 billion ideas, and they all matter. People continue to tr