Self Employed Parent Podcast With Joel Bower

039: 6 steps to keeping your family strong, even during your business's growth stage.



In episode 39, I dig into an important topic: how to keep your family strong and together when your business is booming and you need to dedicate a lot of time to it. Learn to balance how to share in your excitement without upsetting your family and how they can share in the growth. See it coming ahead of time. This sets the stage for the other six steps. You may know it’s started if business demands increase, your “must-do” list gets longer, and your family may be grumpy with you. Prepare yourself. Figure out what effect this will have on you, your schedule, and your business. Determine how the growth benefits you and your family. Prepare your family. Tell them what’s going on from step two. Be open with them and don’t hold it back. Tie your success to theirs. Show them how when the company wins, they win, and remind them that’s why you’re doing this in the first place. Commit to time with them. Make plans that your family will love and make sure you stick to them! The last thing you need now is to let them d