Falling Uphill: A Podcast

Episode 3 - Center of the Universe



Although Lou Perez ultimately chose atheism after a lifetime as a devout Catholic, he remained genuinely interested in people’s beliefs and why they held them. So when he saw that a convention of Geocentrists–those who still believe that the planets and the sun revolve around the Earth, that man and dinosaur walked by side by side, and who favor a literal interpretation of the Bible–would be holding their first ever convention at a Hilton in South Bend, Indiana, he convinced his then-girlfriend that they should fly from California to the Heartland for a weekend of Geocentrist festivities. Could it save their turbulent romance?   Produced by Matt Elzweig Story told by Lou Perez (www.louperez.net and @LOUontheSUBWAY on Twitter.)  Illustration by Richard Chance Music “Beggin On My Knees Live” Frenzy “Early One Morning (Assassinator Dub)” Hayvanlar Alemi “Epiphany Chant: Introit – Ecce; Communion – Vidimus; I Vespers Hymn – Hostis Heredes impie” Freetime at University Pompeu Fabra “A Nation of Culls & Weeds”