Brand Spankin'

Brand Spankin' - Episode 004: The $100,000 Business Card



In this episode, Jason Hewitt shares the history of business cards and how they became such a ubiquitous marketing tool today.  From the high society of the 17th century, through the industrial revolution of the late 19th and early 20th centuries, to today, these, small and unassuming pieces of paper stock, printed with a person's name and other vital information, have represented a significant part of personal branding.  Our cards are part of the role-identity by which we define ourselves, and they represent how we would like to be defined by others.  Ultimately, the cards we pass -- and how we pass them -- do, indeed, define us in our businesses, in many ways. Learn how these cards, when expressing a deeply authentic brand image, and printed with exquisite quality, AND presented with tact, can create an additional $50,000 - $100,000 or more in your business every year. And, if after you listen to this episode, you're still not sure about how to monetize your business card, email Jason directly at jason@illu