Brand Spankin'

Brand Spankin' - Episode 006: The Questions My Listeners Have Asked



In this episode, Jason Hewitt discusses the top branding-related questions he's most often asked.  Over the course of the last several weeks, many of these questions were asked multiple times, and by people all over the United States, and even by listeners as far away as Spain and Japan!  Jason goes through each quetion and answers it from the perspective of a branding agency owner, but also shows how the branding and marketing questions that are on everyone's mind are relevant to you -- and your business. Regardless of where you're at, or your role in business, this episode should prove to you that you're not alone in your branding concerns.  If the questions you most want to know are not among those that Jason details in this episode, send your question directly to him at and it just might be featured on an upcoming episode of Brand Spankin', along with a shout out to you and your business! For more information about branding design or how to create and implement your most authent