Whispering Hope

Race Relations in the US Introduction



Two individuals - one  white and the other an African-American from two distinctly different backgrounds meet in a Church in Los Angeles. You will hear about their challenges and barriers but through it all...they work out their difference because of their love for Jesus. In this episode they introduce themselves to our listeners. Following this introduction episode...you will hear some interesting feelings and misunderstandings which is representative in some measure with what is happening on a broader scale between the whites and the blacks. It's time we understood that all are children of the Living God..there's no white...there's no black favorites in God's eyes. Honestly, politicians whip up these feelings to meet their own selfish agenda...Look at your fellow being as God's creation. Running through those veins whether you are black or white...is blood and the color is red! Jesus shed His precious blood on the cross for all and He desires that we live in harmony. Follow this series and be blessed.