Henderson Hills Women's Ministry

Worship: The Most Natural Thing in the World!



Augustine of Hippo said "Our hearts are restless, until they rest in thee, O Lord'." We spend so much of our lives in search of something that is worthy of our attention, our allegiance, our affections and loyalty. Why? The Bible teaches us that at the very core of who we are, we understand that we are inadequate, unable to fulfill the basic craving of our soul. We enter this world and come to an understanding that there is something greater than us, with an intellect beyond us and abilities that we can't begin to understand. And we spend the rest of our lives pursuing the fulfillment of this sense of inadequacy. Worship is as natural as breathing. We will worship, it's what we were created to do. The question is, will we worship the only One that can answer and fulfill the deepest longings of our heart?