She Percolates With Jen Hatzung & Danielle Spurge

053: Paige Poppe, Artist and Architect



Paige Poppe is a 22-year-old freelance artist living + creating in Arizona. She work in acrylic + watercolor, and also creates hand painted skateboard addicts. This past Spring she graduated from architecture school at Cal Poly, and is continuing to pursue her architecture career alongside my passion for art. Besides being a painter, Paige is a dreamer, a maker, and coffee addict. You'll never find her sitting still, she's constantly creating! Paige is passionate about pursuing your dreams + bringing creativity to life! I strives to inspire others to do the same, by spreading positive + creative vibes. We had such a great time chatting with Paige! Girlfriend is another one of our amazing dual professional guests! She has a creative business she owns and runs and is also pursuing a career in architecture. We chat with Paige about how much we love Periscope, how living in Copenhagen was a real eye opening experience for her and what she wanted to do with you art. As we do with each interview we start out by ask