She Percolates With Jen Hatzung & Danielle Spurge

055: Jacey Verdicchio of the Around the Table Podcast



Jacey co-hosts the Around the Table podcast {This week they celebrated their 1 year anniversary, congrats gals!} and serves as the Brand + Business Manager for Naptime Diaries. She lives in Charleston, SC with her husband and golden retriever. We had such a blast chatting with Jacey.  Getting to interview other podcasters is so much fun! As we do with all of our guests we start out with a hard hitting question, what is your definition of success? Jacey shares an insightful answer we think will really resonate with all of our listeners, "Success to me is growing into the fullness of who you were created to be, regardless of fear, self-doubt, and obstacles along the way." Yes, Yes, YES! She also talks about how success is a process rather than a destination. If you've been listening for a while you know we 100% believe this to be true! It is all about the process or journey! Jacey shares the story of when her definition of success shifted. "I just wish I made more money." "I just wish I accomplished more." "I w