She Percolates With Jen Hatzung & Danielle Spurge

BONUS EPISODE: Marie Forleo's B-School



Hey gals, Danielle here. Maybe you can relate to this feeling: complete cluelessness. Yes? I believe we have all been there. I consider myself a pretty determined and inquisitive person, but there is only so much you can find when you have no clue what you are looking for, you know? YOU KNOW?! Back in 2011, my first FULL year in business, I was really good at one single thing: observing. I made a habit of watching, listening and paying very close attention to what the other businesses I saw online doing. It wasn’t creepy, I swear. One name kept coming up over and cover: Marie. Who was this mythical Marie of whom I heard so many speak? Ms. Marie Forleo, I came to realize, is like —  the Beyonce of online business and she opened my eyes to something very important: everything is figureoutable. HELL YES, it is! That’s what I was doing – I was figuring it out. That’s actually what I believe we are all always doing: just figuring it out.  However, UNLIKE everybody, some of the people I observed were lightyears ahe