Jim Duke Perspective

President is Antichrist?



Every term in the United States we get a new President. Many times those Presidents are suspected as being The Antichrist. So is the President Antichrist? I explain how in a sense that person is. But is that person THE Antichrist with a capital "A"? Either way we vote a person whom is candidate could be an antichrist. An antichrist in the scripture is one who betrays Jesus; one who denies Jesus had come in the flesh. John said there is antichrist and many antichrists will come.Could this one President be Antichrist for the whole world? We shall see.Undocumented Illegal Immirgants votinghttps://www.cnn.com/2024/09/12/politics/undocumented-immigrants-voting-what-matters/index.htmlComputer Hacker proves in front of a Judge he can hack a voting machinehttps://www.wdbo.com/news/computer-expert-hacks-dominion-voting-machine-front-judge-changes-votes-with-bic-pen/EM5Q4XKDARGPPC7Z6MTUWSOYSA/