Dr. Howard Smith Oncall

Black Kitchen Utensils Are Toxic



Vidcast:  https://www.instagram.com/p/DCFNOewtyA3/ Toxic flame retardant chemicals are present in black kitchen utensils and in black plastic take out containers.  A study from the organization Toxic Free Future, published in the journal Chemosphere, surveyed levels of flame retardants in 203 items found around the home and particularly in the kitchen. Data from black plastic products showed that 65% of these products contained toxic flame retardants.  The source of these toxic chemicals is plastic recycled from the housings of discarded electronic products including televisions and video monitors. Avoid buying and using black plastic kitchen utensils.  Regarding the black plastic take-out cartons, transfer food from them ASAP and never microwave food in these containers. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0045653524022173?via=ihub #flameretardants #plastic #black #utensils #takeout #recycled