Lead To Win With Michael Hyatt

HAL ELROD: The Miracle of Resilience



In this episode of The Double Win Show, Michael Hyatt and Megan Hyatt Miller welcome Hal Elrod, author of the bestselling book The Miracle Morning. Hal shares his remarkable journey of overcoming a near-fatal car accident, a battle with cancer, and multiple life setbacks—all while maintaining unwavering faith and resilience. He details how these hardships shaped his path and inspired his global movement to help millions create life-changing morning routines. Hal also introduces his powerful “5-Minute Rule” for moving through adversity and offers practical insights for building habits that will transform your life.Memorable Quotes“I can’t change what happened, but I can choose to be at peace with what I can’t change, grateful for what I have, and focus on the things that are in my control.”“The more you resist reality and wish it were different, the more pain we create for ourselves. Freedom is in acceptance. Freedom is in being at peace with what you can’t change.”“Most people who experience failure probably