Balanced Bites: Modern Paleo Living With Diane Sanfilippo & Liz Wolfe.

From Burnout to Breakthrough: Peak Performance Strategies with Hannah Abad



#466: Today we are chatting with Hannah Abad, founder of Prime Collaborative Coaching and a certified mindset and peak performance coach. With over 13 years of experience, Hannah has guided countless visionary leaders from burnout to healthy high achievement using her proprietary neuroscience and trauma-informed methods. Hannah shares her inspiring personal journey that led her to coaching, and gives us the truth about perfectionism — from what it truly means to how to overcome it! We also talk about the challenges of parenting, how to overcome avoidance and fear-based behaviors, the importance of grieving, how to achieve peak performance, and the process of figuring out what YOU truly desire. This episode is packed with invaluable insights and actionable tips for anyone looking to transform their life and reach their full potential. Follow Hannah on Instagram HERE and grab the FREE resource The 6 Signs of Survival Mode + Assessment here. High achievers, join the waitlist for Hannah's Resilience Restorat