Ashley And Brad Show

Ashley and Brad Show - ABS 2024-8-27



News; birthdays/events; want a hollywood smile? don't do these things...; word of the day. News; it's tailgate time!! whether it's college or you tailgate?; game: number 1 pop songs from 1974; are you rude to your a.i./digital assistant? News; ashley's gas station story; game: afi #60-51 quotes; prepare for fall...things to do around the house. News; brad went camping with his son; game: 3 word classic novel; goodbye/fun facts....National Just Because Day offers up an opportunity to do stuff...just because. Every day we all do things that are expected or required of us...and it’s easy to lose track of yourself in the fast pace of today’s world. today is a chance to do something without rhyme or reason. make spaghetti for breakfast... wear last year’s Halloween costume out and about...Salvador Dali walked around Paris with an ant-eater on a leash.