Ashley And Brad Show

Ashley and Brad Show - ABS 2024-8-30



News; birthdays/events; most popular nfl teams this america's team in the top 5!; word of the day. News; could you furnish a house with hand me downs, thrifted, and/or salvaged items?; game: famous drum intros; is compensation worth occupation burnout? News; what reality shows do you watch?; game: backwards song game; stories of embarassing things people have done in public. News; how you like your toasted marshmallows says a lot about your personality; game: spoken intros to tv shows; goodbye/fun facts....Slinky Day...the Toy Hall of Fame Superstar. Richard James, an American naval engineer, designed the Slinky toy in 1943 in Philadelphia, and it has been around for more than six decades. In the toy market, it was an instant hit...but it was discovered by accident..James knocked a spring off a shelf at work and watched as it stepped in a series of arcs to a stack of books, a tabletop, and finally to the floor, where it recoiled and stood upright. Over the next year, James experimented with several