Unleash Your Greatness With Brett Campbell

Ep 017: How To Easily Deal With Anger



Grab your copy of Brett's Book --> http://brettcampbell.net/book Hello, Brett Campbell here and today we’re going to talk about how you can handle and how you deal with anger. Now you’re either one of two types of person. You’re the person that just gets frustrated, smoke comes out of your ears, your hair stands on end or you’re the type of person who seems to just never get angry. I mean, people ask me all the time, they go man, you never get angry, why don’t you get angry at these type of things. I used to, but now I’ve learned how to be able to deal and develop strategies on how I can process the current situation. Take someone driving and cutting you off for example. We’ve all been there, we’ve all done it. Okay. Now if you have never, ever cut anyone off and then someone cuts you off, I could probably understand how you’re getting a little bit angry about that because it’s not the right thing to do. You could have almost had a crash but using a principle that’s from Steven Covey, the seek first to unders