Awakening With Glenn Bleakney

The Gates of Hell Will Not Prevail



“And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it” (Matthew 16:18, ESV).In my new sermon "The Gates of Hell Will Not Prevail," I aim to redefine the Church's role and authority in spiritual warfare. I emphasize that the Church is not merely a religious gathering, but a divine assembly [the Ekklesia] - a governing body commissioned by Heaven to advance God's Kingdom on earth.I explore how believers are entrusted with the "keys of the kingdom," empowering us to bind, loose, forbid, and permit according to God's will. This authority calls us to take an offensive stance, actively confronting and reclaiming ground from the enemy rather than just defending passively.Jesus' declaration that the gates of hell cannot prevail against His Church underscores our invincibility when we operate in divine revelation. Just as Peter received revelation of Christ's identity, I believe today's Church is called to a deep, transformative knowledge